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Three words for 2016

Jan 1, 2016 | Professional Life

2015 was, well, a year.

I began the year with my dream job, which I later lost … regained a portion of it back … then lost again.

I had the opportunity to travel to western North Carolina, Indianapolis and Michigan for work, Florida for Thanksgiving … and three trips to Pennsylvania, including a surprise trip in April for my nephew’s baptism and dad’s retirement.

Both my extended family and my choir family suffered unexpected losses.

But the best thing ever also happened to me in May, when the most wonderful man in the world surprised the heck out of me on a Memorial Day tour at Fontanel by asking me to be his wife.

And that helps bring me to my three words for 2016, which are a bit different than usual.


As I’ve spent the last couple of weeks relaxing with family and friends, it’s become even more obvious that I don’t take nearly enough time for myself. I have books that I’ve been waiting to read for a long time. I don’t spend nearly enough time at the piano anymore. So, in 2016, my goal is to take time for myself. Read. Play. Practice. Go out with friends. Take a night off for a date night with David. And not feel guilty about it later.


2016 is our wedding year. As David and I transition from being an engaged couple to husband and wife, if there’s anything I’ve taken from all of my friends and family who have gotten married before us, it’s that marriages take work. So with the (stress of) wedding planning in the first part of the year … the wedding this summer … and our first days of married life afterward, I’m going to set aside purposeful time for “us.” This year is going to be a whirlwind, and I’m going to savor every moment with him.


There are a lot of things going on for me work-wise. I’ve got several irons in the fire, so to speak, and so the challenge for me in 2016 is to simply trust the process. I don’t know what opportunities will open … or close. But I need to be able to not stress out about it and just let the process happen and know that I’ve done everything I can in every circumstance to put my best foot forward.

So, those are my three words for the year. I have other goals as well — to put a strong effort toward growing East South as a consultancy, to help guide Craft Content Nashville into its second year, to become a better speaker. But I really believe that focusing on me, us, and the process will help me accomplish everything that’s set before me this year.

Happy 2016, everyone!


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