Category: Professional Life

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For now, the house is quiet. I’m sitting in my home office, looking out the window, watching whatever that precipitation is (Snow? Sleet? Cold rain?) falling from the sky, enjoying the silence. It’s been a crazy couple of days, what with all the cleaning and baking and preparing for a houseful of guests. A little more than 24 hours from now, the house will be full of family, ready to ...
Taking time for understanding

Taking time for understanding

After finishing a meeting last week, I found myself lingering after the meeting to chat with the client as we each discussed our plans for the weekend. The client project is nearing its completion after several months, and it was almost hard to believe that just mere weeks ago, the person I was talking to would have been a complete stranger. Now we knew things about each other’s families, ...
Being authentic

Being authentic

Thanks to my very good friend, Kerry Woo, I had the opportunity this past weekend to attend the first KEEN Digital Summit, held right here in Nashville. KEEN was a three-day event that attracted an eclectic mix of people from across the country, discussing topics ranging from technology to food and beverage to travel. It’s not too often that you can attend a session about HGTV’s mobile ...
BCN13: Making a change

BCN13: Making a change

Change isn’t easy. Change requires overcoming that response we all love to hate, “because we’ve always done it that way.” Change requires buy-in from everyone, and some uncomfortable moments. In fact, change is so difficult that I had an entire course in grad school dedicated to it and how to make it successful. That’s why I’m incredibly proud of the BarCamp Nashville crew for having the ...
A fresh start

A fresh start

Sometimes, we all just need a fresh start. A refresh, as it may be. Let's be honest with ourselves. How many times have we said during the midst of a stressful week that we're looking forward to the weekend for a chance to refresh and recharge our batteries? Probably more times than any of us would like to admit. This is my fresh start. Today, I relaunch and refresh my site and blog and ...
PodCamp: Where content, community and creativity combine

PodCamp: Where content, community and creativity combine

We’re less than a month away from another PodCamp event ... this time in my new hometown of Nashville. And I’m excited. This is the second year I’ve been a part of the PodCamp Nashville planning crew ... and the second consecutive Nashville Camp I’ve served as marketing coordinator. BarCamp (more for programmers, developers and the like, held in the fall here in Nashville) is a great event. ...